Pastoral Care

At Bridgetown High School we have a strong emphasis on pastoral care. We put a lot of time and energy into making sure all students feel safe and are encouraged to be confident in trying to do their best. We provide a School Psychologist, a Student Services committee, School Office staff, Education Assistants and other staff to help support students. We believe that if students are happy and supported, they will achieve to their full potential.
The School Psychologist
The role of the School Psychologist is to provide counselling for students and parents on personal matters either relating to school or home. Appointments may be made at the school office, and all interviews are treated as confidential. The School Psychologist also carries out testing of students to ascertain if there are particular learning difficulties that the school needs to be aware of.
The School Chaplain
The School Chaplain provides another source of support for our students. She assists students with any issues or problems they may be experiencing, and is able to liaise with both staff and parents. Students can also make an appointment through the Front Office to see the School Chaplain.
Staff Support
Our Student Services Coordinator plays a strong student support role, and is available to help students when necessary. Classroom teachers are very approachable and willing to help.
Bridgetown High School has a strong Protective Behaviours policy. We believe that nothing is so awful that we can’t talk to someone about it and that we all have the right to feel safe all of the time. We create a school environment where this is possible so students should find all school staff willing to listen, support and help.
Student Services Team
The Student Services Team work together with classroom teachers, parents and students to help support or resolve issues. We work closely with outside agencies to ensure our students are well supported.
The team consists of:
Principal - Ms Kelly Anderson
Level 3 Program Coordinator - Mrs Rebecca Hardey
School Psychologist - Ms Breanna Shaw
School Chaplain - Mrs Yuko Tonai-Moore
School Nurse - Ms Sarah Anderson
Learning Support Coordinator - Mrs Tracey Prout