Health & Physical Education
Health and Physical Education (HAPE) is delivered to all students in Years 7 – 10 at Bridgetown High School, with the West Australian Curriculum being delivered in HAPE through single sex classes.
As part of this program, the school employees a large number of outside agencies to give students the most up to date education.
Bridgetown High School has a long standing relationship with SDERA (School Drug Education and Road Aware), and as a part of this we are a CHAT school (Changing Health Acting Together).
Bridgetown High School also undertakes programmes from Keys for Life, Drug and Alcohol Aware, Protective Behaviours, Sexual Health Education, Smarter than Smoking, Mind Matters, Beyond Blue, Black Dog , Diabetes Institute and Asthma W.A.
Students also conduct yearly fitness testing as a part of their Health Program.
Physical Education

In Years 7 and 8 students cover a wide range of sports including Football, Soccer, Indoor Cricket, Basketball, Netball, Lacrosse, Volleyball and Pilates.
Year 9 and 10 students get to choose from Girls only PE and Boys only PE, which also covers a wide range of sports and their associated skills. In first term all PE classes study swimming, in preparation for our maximum participation swimming carnival which is held at the Bridgetown Leisure Centre.
At the start of term 3. Year 9 and 10 students prepare for Country Week. Bridgetown High School has been involved in District High School Country Week for the 19 years it has existed. We are highly competitive in the state wide competition, regularly winning trophies in Basketball, Netball and Football.
In term 4 students study Athletics covering track and field events including shot put, discus, javelin, long jump, and short and long distance running. With the carnival being held in term 4 it is one of the most coveted events on the calendar, with students eager to beat very long standing school records.
Students can also take part in a number of district sporting carnivals during the year including Netball, Basketball, Football, Cricket and Cross Country. Our students are also involved in a number of primary school carnivals where they are given an opportunity to umpire, coach and coordinate younger students.
Through Physical Education the school makes strong connections with many of the sporting clubs in town including the Tennis, Bowling and Golf clubs as well as Netball, Basketball and Football Associations.
We are grateful for the community support we receive at all levels with PE at the school.
Physical Recreation
At Bridgetown High School we offer our students a co-educational physical education option for Years 9-10. Physical Recreation is a subject that focuses on seasonal sporting pursuits and team games with strong emphases on participation, team work and sportsmanship. We utilise sports facilities in the community and encourage our students to join some of the clubs we visit and gain exposure to. Where available club members and representatives in the community volunteer their time to assist in providing a technical and enjoyable experience for all Physical Recreation students.