
The amount of homework that students should do is frequently a matter of concern for parents and guardians. The following guidelines should assist by giving an indication of the homework expected of a student who aims to be academically successful.
Work at home consists of:
- homework set for the night and / or work not completed in class;
- work on assignments that are due at a later date;
- frequent revision of past work and studying for tests or examinations;
- reading of reference material and set English books; and
- reading material that is going to be covered in class.
Suggestions for developing and improving study:
- Have a designated area set aside for study - preferably for study only.
- Make up a study timetable, set aside a regular time each day for study, and let nothing interfere with it.
- Try to give study your full attention. Endeavour to develop the habit of concentration.
- Allow time for extra work on subjects that you find more challenging.
- Useful aids for study include diagrams, sketches, notes, summaries, working on examples, writing passages from memory, creating headings and writing lists of names and formulae.